Showgirl costume photos: Moonlight crown

This Showgirl hat got a new lease on life during the lockdown. I decided to give it an overhaul and make it a one of a kind piece instead of part of the trio it was originally intended for. And of course, I had to play dress up to make sure it looks good. Can you believe these are selfie shots?!?

costume designed by Athena Patacsil
constructed by Professor Phelyx and Athena Patacsil

Showgirl's Life blog | Moonlight Trio gallery Showgirl costumes designed by Athena Patacsil

Want to see the entire Showgirl mini-production featuring these costumes? I shared the video of the debut of the Moonlight Frolic Trio, right here on Showgirl’s Life for Members of my sparkly club. Click the button to become a Member and unlock access to this video and so many more bits of sparkly content. Your contribution helps support the creation of more FREE Showgirl content!

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