Happy Holidays Member!!
Ready to KICK 2020 to the curb?!? I made this video just for you because I thought it would be funny. Took awhile to find all my onstage videos and then prepare this silly video, but hope it entertains you!!
Also, I have a download for you!! See below!
It’s that time of year again, where we look forward to a new year that is unknown and full of possibility and hope. At least that’s how I like to look at it! (I’m a glass-half-full kinda gal!!) It’s also time to cozy up and set my intentions for the coming year. Since 2011, I have done away with New Year’s resolutions and began setting intentions.
Because of the energy behind intentions.
I have learned that to resolve to give up something is far less effective than intending to show up a certain way during the year. When you are more focused on getting rid of a habit or pushing against old beliefs, it’s like pushing a wet noodle.
When you set an intention, there is positive energy behind it. Your focus is on the only thing that you can control, which is how you show up and respond. Focusing on the journey rather than your current location or where you would rather be, makes the experience of life that much more enjoyable.
I never realized just how powerful setting my intentions were until this year. I have been using my own intentions worksheet for eight years now. And every year when I sit down to review the year and look at my intentions that I set the year prior, I am surprised and sometimes delighted.
But this year was VERY different.
I had no idea what intentions I had set forth coming into 2020. I didn’t refer back to them at any point during the year, I just plowed through the year, holding my breath, (literally,) every single day.
When I opened up my intentions for 2020, I held my breath and got ready to cringe. But all of that melted away as I read my handwriting and even smiled at some of the intentions.
I had actually lived up to all the intentions I had set forth.
I showed up exactly as I had intended for this year that was filled with more fear, unknown, heartbreak etc., than any of us had ever anticipated.
Even though I was unable to achieve some of the business goals I had set for myself, just knowing that I showed up exactly as I intended, is a win for me.
This will be my last post of 2020, and I am closing the year with a gift to you. A free download of the exact worksheet that I use to set my intentions year after year.
Enjoy this gift to set your powerful intentions for the coming year. ❤️ I appreciate you and your special place in my sparkly world!
Happy new year! May this year be filled with blessings of love, health and abundance for you and yours.
See you in 2021!