Showgirl Story Time: Opening Costume Display at Bally’s

Hello Member!
This story time video is about the Opening Bluebell costume displayed at Bally’s Las Vegas. I’m not sure if it is still there, as I saw it in June of 2021, but I wanted to share my reaction about how inaccurate it was. I may post this publicly someday, but as you can tell at the end, I am not happy about the styling of this costume designed by Pete Menefee.

And honestly, neither was he. I posted pictures on Facebook and tagged him to ask him his thoughts. He was too nice to tell the truth publicly, but he was not happy about the excess feathers and poor details on the shoes.

If you’ve been around here awhile, you know that I am a stickler when it comes to authenticity. And I have my time in Jubilee! to thank for that. Many of the newer performers were upset that tradition reigned supreme with the construction of the costumes and packs. Their youthful bodies bearing the brunt of the weight of costumes that were older than they were, in some cases. But, as you know, those costumes were built to last, and nearly 35 years was a pretty good run for them.


1 thought on “Showgirl Story Time: Opening Costume Display at Bally’s”

  1. Unthinkable that the display was an altered version of the costume. And the “Jubilee” necklace? I think that had been added to the head piece later in the show ( like after 2011 when I saw it). The backpack feathers (end ones) also look a bit short. Guess there was no oversight on the displays. Thanks for this.

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