Showgirl Deconstructed

Las Vegas showgirl in purple feather headdress with flexible show boy photo

ep 066 Showgirl Deconstructed: Why Showgirls was the worst movie ever made with Christopher Childers

This episode has been over a year in the making. I have been wanting to have this chat since I found out my friend Christopher Childers was in the movie Showgirls. In case you haven’t seen this movie, please know there are a few “spoilers” in this episode. And I will say that unless you […]

ep 066 Showgirl Deconstructed: Why Showgirls was the worst movie ever made with Christopher Childers Read More »

Showgirls Life | ep 064 Showgirl Deconstructed: Showgirl costume design and construction with Pete Menefee

ep 064 Showgirl Deconstructed: Designing and Constructing Showgirl Costumes with Pete Menefee

Hey hey! Are you ready to deconstruct the showgirl some more? In these special episodes, we have talked about how There are no more showgirl shows with Alison Kravenko in ep 056, Physical requirements and expectations with Brenda Barrett in episode 60, and Art vs. selling out with Andrew Branche in ep 062. Today, we

ep 064 Showgirl Deconstructed: Designing and Constructing Showgirl Costumes with Pete Menefee Read More »

Showgirls Life | ep 060 Showgirl Deconstructed: Physical Requirements and Other Expectations with encore guest Brenda Barrett

ep 060 Showgirl Deconstructed: Physical Requirements and Other Expectations with encore guest Brenda Barrett

Today’s episode discusses one of the toughest parts of being a Showgirl that non-performers can’t wrap their heads around—physical requirements and expectations. Showgirls and Bluebell dancers have been held to high standards for decades due to standards set by Madame Bluebell and then perpetuated by “tastes” preferred by white men over the generations. Encore guest

ep 060 Showgirl Deconstructed: Physical Requirements and Other Expectations with encore guest Brenda Barrett Read More »

Showgirl's Life Podcast | ep 37 How being a “Donn Arden girl” has shaped life as a teacher, choreographer and woman featuring Alison Kravenko part 1

ep 056 Showgirl Deconstructed: There are no more Showgirl shows featuring Alison Kravenko

What is a showgirl show? In this special episode, I brought back Alison Kravenko to deep dive about how there are no more Showgirl shows left. This new feature of Showgirls Life will happen once a month where I bring on an encore guest to discuss one specific topic in the Showgirl’s Life. This month,

ep 056 Showgirl Deconstructed: There are no more Showgirl shows featuring Alison Kravenko Read More »

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