Gazealous Studio Replays

Gazealous Studio Replay Red Fountain Costume Session 4

Hey Member!  Here’s your livestream replay for the week! My apologies for the weird start, without an intro. I didn’t know if it was streaming yet.  I continued cutting the fabric, we still have 13 more yards of fabric to go. So I can cut lots more circles!! If you have any questions, please comment […]

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Gazealous Studio Sparkle Snacks: Red Fountain costume Week 1

Hey Member!  Here is the first round of Sparkle Snacks for this costume. I am adding the digital “planning’ and shopping I did at the beginning, as it is part of the process. The second bit was filmed immediately after the livestream. I finished up the pattern pieces.  I’ll “unbox” the fabric at the livestream

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Sparkle Snack | Moonlight Body Chain Revamp

Gazealous Studio Sparkle Snacks: Moonlight Revamp Body Chain Week 4

Hey Member! It feels so good to be finishing projects!! ? Here are the Sparkle Snacks continuing with the body chain. ANNNND It’s done!! I expedited the teardrop stones so I could finish it this weekend. Yay!! Those babies aren’t cheap!! Those two teardrops cost $9 each, plus another $3 for the settings. But they

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Gazealous Studio Replay | Moonlight Revamp Session 2

Gazealous Studio Replay: Moonlight Revamp Session 2

Hey Member! Here is your replay of the livestream. Reposting since the video didn’t integrate properly. Sorry about that! Continuing on with the Moonlight crown revamp, I finished sewing the buckram to the metal sculpture. And explained what’s next. I also shared a bunch of late night sketches I made for upcoming livestream projects!! Let

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